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The Term Wicca

Understand the following facts about Wicca:

· Wiccans believe that everything you do comes back to you threefold; they call this "The Threefold Law". This Law shows that it does not matter what one does, whether it is good or bad. Most Wiccans try not to do negative actions because of this Law.

· Wiccans are not green old hags with warts. There are many more Wiccans in the world than you would expect, so of course we come in all shapes and sizes. Despite what national politics deem, Wicca is a Religion that welcomes anyone.

· Wiccans categorize themselves by the term "tradition". Many traditions are named by the founder (i.e: Gardnerian - Gerald Gardner), although some Wiccans have been taught by their families. The latter is usually called "Family Tradition" or "Fam Trad" for short.

· Wicca is not Satanism. Wiccans do not even believe in Satan, so this theory is completely false.

· Wicca is not a "woman thing"; many men are also Wiccan. A good portion of Wiccans may be female because of the focus on the feminine deity.

· Most Wiccans believe in duality, or balance, which entails that there should be a male and female aspect of divinity. Their names are commonly the Goddess and God, but can be called whatever you wish. As said by Michele Morgan (author of Simple Wicca), "The Gods don't care what you call them, as long as you call them."

· What is also common is belief in the God and Goddess as well as particular deities from a certain pantheon (i.e: Greek, Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, Hindu). This is what separates Wicca from Witchcraft.

· Wiccan holidays consist of Sabbats, or solar holidays; and Esbats, lunar holidays. There are eight in one year, including Yule, Ostara, Midsummer, Mabon, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Wiccans call this "The Wheel of the Year".

The Immortals

Five hundred years into the the third age of flight and mighty phraxships steam across the immensity of the Deepwoods, plying their lucrative trade between the three great cities. Nate Quarter,a young Lamplighter from the mines of the eastern woods is propelled on an epic journey of self-discovery that encompasses tournaments, battles, revolutions and a final encounter with the Immortals themselves.This is the final tale in the Edge Chronicles sequence and it's a fabulous climax to the most original and dramatic fantasy series being written today. Set years in the future, this book is ideal for new readers to discover the series before going back to read the 'history' of Twig, Rook and Quint. Packed with incredible illustrations from Chris Riddell, this is a wonderfully funny, moving and utterly inventive book.

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